[1] www.apple.com
[2] P. Almers, E.Bonek, A. Burr et al., “Survey of channel and radio propagation models for wireless MIMO systems,” Eurasip Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, vol. 2007, Article ID 19070, 2007.
[3] 3GPP/3GPP2 TR 25.996 3rd Generation Partnership Project; “Technical Specification Group Radio Access Network; Spatial channel model for Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) simulations (Release 11)”, Tech.Rep., 2003, 3rd Generation Partnership Project.
[4] D. S. Baum, J. Hansen, G. del Galdo, M. Milojevic, J. Salo, and P. Kyösti, “An interim channel model for beyond-3G systems: extending the 3GPP spatial channel model (SCM),” in Proceedings of the IEEE 61st Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC ’05), vol. 5, pp. 3132–3136, Stockholm, Sweden, May 2005.
[5] P. Kyösti, J.Meinil¨a, L. Hentil¨a et al., “IST-4-027756 WINNER II deliverable 1.1.2. v.1.2, WINNER II channel models,” Tech.Rep. IST-WINNER2, 2007.
[6] “Guidelines for evaluation of radio interface technologies for IMT Advanced, ITU-R Report M.2135,” Tech. Rep., 2008, ITU-R.
[7] V. Erceg, L. Schumacher, P. Kyritsi et al., “TGn channel models, IEEE P802.11 wireless LANs, http://www.802wirelessworld .com:8802/” ,Tech. Rep., IEEE, 2004.
[8] Pekka Kyösti, Tommi Jämsä, and Jukka-Pekka Nuutinen, “Channel Modelling for Multiprobe Over-the-Air MIMO Testing,” International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, vol. 2012, Article ID 615954, 11 pages, 2012.
[9] D. S. Baum, J. Hansen, G. Del Galdo, M. Milojevic, J. Salo, and P. Kyösti, “An interim channel model for beyond-3G systems: extending the 3GPP spatial channel model (SCM),” in Proceedings of the 61st IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC ’05), vol. 5, pp. 3132–3136, Stockholm, Sweden, May-June 2005.
[10] M. Narandzic, C. Schneider, R. Thoma, T. Jamsa, P. Kyösti, and X. Zhao, “Comparison of SCM, SCME, and WINNER channel models,” in Proc. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Spring 2007).
[11] Robert Gallager, course materials for 6.450 Principles of Digital Communications I, Fall 2006. MIT OpenCourseWare (http://ocw.mit.edu/), Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
[12] David Tse, Pramod Viswanath, Fundamentals of wireless communication , Cambridge University Press, New York, NY, 2005.
[13] CTIA MOSG120521R11, S. Prather, AT&T, “Inter-Lab/ Inter-Technique OTA Performance Comparison Testing for MIMO Devices”, 2 August 2012.
[ 1 4 ] CTIA MOSG130715R4 , S . Prather , AT&T , “MOSG130715R4: Inter-Lab/Inter-Technique OTA Performance Comparison Testing for MIMO Devices,Phase 3”, 1 5 September, 2013.
[15] 3GPP 37.977 V1.0.0(2013-09), 3rd Generation Partnership Project; Technical Specification Group Radio Access Networks; Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (UTRA) and Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA); Verification of radiated multi-antenna reception performance of User Equipment (UE) (Release 12).
[16] R. H. Clarke, “A statistical theory of mobile-radio reception,” Bell Syst.Tech. J., vol. 47, pp. 957–1000, 1968.
[17] David Parsons, The Mobile Radio Propagation Channel , Wiley, New York, 1992.
[18] Spirent White Paper, CORRELATION-Based Spatial Channel Modeling.
[19] R. Vaughan and J. B. Andersen, Channels, Propagation and Antennas forMobile Communications , IET, London, UK, 2003.
[20] P. Bello, “Characterization of randomly time-variant linear channels” IEEE Trans. Communication. , vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 360–393, Dec. 1963.
[21] Tommi Jamsa, Pekka Kyösti, Lassi Hentilä, Jukka- Pekka Nuutinen, “Polarization Control of Anechoic Chamber based MIMO OTA Test Methods”, in COST2100, TD(10)11089, Aalborg, Denmark, June 2010, http://www.cost2100.org/.
[22] P.-S. Kildal and K. Rosengren, “Correlation and capacity of MIMO systems and mutual coupling, radiation efficiency and diversity gain of their antennas: Simulations and measurements in reverberation chamber”, IEEE Communications Magazine , vol. 42, no. 12, pp. 102-112, Dec. 2004.
[23]K. Rosengren and P.-S. Kildal, “Radiation efficiency, correlation, diversity gain, and capacity of a six monopole antenna array for a MIMO system: Theory, simulation and measurement in reverberation chamber”, Proceedings IEE, Microwave Antennas Propagation , vol. 152, no. 1, pp.7-16, February 2005. See also Erratum published in August 2006.
[24] P.-S. Kildal, A. Hussain, X. Chen, C. Orlenius, A. Skårbratt, J. Åsberg, T. Svensson, T. Eriksson, “Threshold Receiver Model for Throughput of Wireless Devices with MIMO and Frequency Diversity Measured in Reverberation Chamber”, IEEE Antennas and Propagation Wireless Letters , Vol. 10, pp. 1201-1204, 2011.
[25] X. Chen, P. S. Kildal, J. Carlsson, and J. Yang, “MRC diversity and MIMO Capacity Evaluations of Multi-Port Antennas Using Reverberation Chamber and Anechoic Chamber”, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 61, no. 2, pp. 917-926, Feb. 2013.
[ 2 6 ] X . Chen , P . - S . Kildal , and M . Gustafsson , “Characterization of implemented algorithm for MIMO spatial multiplexing in reverberation chamber”, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation , vol. 61, no. 8, pp. 4400-4404, Aug. 2013.
[27] P.-S. Kildal, X. Chen, C. Orlenius, M. Franzén, and C. Lötbäck Patané, “Characterization of reverberation chambers for OTA measurements of wireless devices: physical formulations of channel matrix and new uncertainty formula”, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation , vol. 60, no. 8, pp. 3875 - 3891, Aug. 2012.
[28] CTIA MOSG131009, Istvan Szini, Update results on DUT Polarization discrimination among MIMO OTA test methods. Oct. 2013.
[29] Yifei Feng,Over-The-Air (OTA) Measurement Method for MIMO-enabled Mobile Terminals ,Doctor dissertation, RheinMain University, 07/05/2013.
[30] Doug Reed. ”Experiments with Spatial Correlation for Evaluating OTA Techniques,” in COST2100, TD(09)856, Valencia, Spain, May 2009, http://www.cost2100.org/.
[31] W. Fan, X. Carreño, J. Nielsen,K. Olesen, M. Knudsen, G. Pedersen. “Measurement Verification of Plane Wave Synthesis Technique Based on Multi-probe MIMO-OTA setup”, Proc. Vehicle Technology Conference (VTC 2012-Fall), 2012 IEEE 76th , Québec City, Canada, September 3-6, 2012.
[32] W.Fan, J. Nielsen, X. Carreno, M. Knudsen, G. Pedersen. "Impact of probe placement error on MIMO OTA test zone performance," 2012 Loughborough Antennas & Propagation Conference , Loughborough, UK, November 12-13, 2012.
[33] Xavier Carre˜no, Wei Fan, Jesper Ø. Nielseny, Jagjit Singh Ashta, Gert F. Pedersen, Mikael B. Knudsen,"Test Setup for Anechoic Room based MIMO OTA Testing of LTE Terminals", IC1004 TD(12) 05078, Bristol, United Kingdom, 24-26
September, 2012.
[34] Matt A. Mow, Bo Niu, Robert W. Schlub, Ruben Caballero, inventor; 2011 Nov. 3. TOOLS FOR DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF OVERTHE-AIR TEST SYSTEMS WITH CHANNEL MODEL EMULATION CAPABILITIES. United States patent US 2011/0270567.
[35] T. Laitinen, P. Kyösti, and J. Nuutinen, “On the number of OTA antenna elements for plane-wave synthesis,” in Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP '10) , Barcelona, Spain, April 2010.
[36] T. Sakata, A. Yamamoto, K. Ogawa, and J.-i. Takada, “MIMO channel capacity measurement in the presence of spatial clusters using a fading emulator,” in 2009 IEEE 20th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications , Sep. 2009, pp. 97 –101.
[37] Atsushi Yamamoto, et al., “Procedure of designing the structural parameters of a spatial fading emulator with a Laplacian angular power spectrum of incoming wave”, COST 2100 TD(10)10016, Athens, Greece, February 2010.
[38] P. Kyösti, J.-P. Nuutinen, and T. Jamsa, “MIMO OTA test concept with experimental and simulated verification,” in 2010 Proceedings of the Fourth European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP) , Apr. 2010, pp. 1 –5.
[39] Xingfeng Wu, Senior member, IEEE, Zhi Cao, Fan Yang, Yujuan Ma, Chi Zhang, Lei Jin, Zhihua Zhang, “Proposal and Verification of Single Cluster Solution for MIMO OTA in CTIA IL_IT Test”, IC1004 TD(13)08028, Ghent, Belgium, 25-27 September, 2013.
[40] Xingfeng Wu, et al., CTIA contribution MOSG130611, “CTIA Inter-Lab/Inter-Technique Test Campaign Report: Single Cluster Channel Model Validation and OTA Results in ABP”, June, 2013.
[41] Xingfeng Wu, et al., CTIA contribution MOSG130710, “Proposals of Single Cluster Approach for Phase 3 Inter-Lab/ Inter-Technique Test Methodology”, July, 2013.
[42] Xingfeng Wu, CTIA contribution MOSG130803, “Updates to MOSG130710”, August, 2013.
[43] Anatoliy Ioffe, Xavier Carreño, Intel Corporation , CTIA contribution MOSG130308R2, “Text proposal for the definition of SINR control”, 24 June, 2013.
[2] P. Almers, E.Bonek, A. Burr et al., “Survey of channel and radio propagation models for wireless MIMO systems,” Eurasip Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, vol. 2007, Article ID 19070, 2007.
[3] 3GPP/3GPP2 TR 25.996 3rd Generation Partnership Project; “Technical Specification Group Radio Access Network; Spatial channel model for Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) simulations (Release 11)”, Tech.Rep., 2003, 3rd Generation Partnership Project.
[4] D. S. Baum, J. Hansen, G. del Galdo, M. Milojevic, J. Salo, and P. Kyösti, “An interim channel model for beyond-3G systems: extending the 3GPP spatial channel model (SCM),” in Proceedings of the IEEE 61st Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC ’05), vol. 5, pp. 3132–3136, Stockholm, Sweden, May 2005.
[5] P. Kyösti, J.Meinil¨a, L. Hentil¨a et al., “IST-4-027756 WINNER II deliverable 1.1.2. v.1.2, WINNER II channel models,” Tech.Rep. IST-WINNER2, 2007.
[6] “Guidelines for evaluation of radio interface technologies for IMT Advanced, ITU-R Report M.2135,” Tech. Rep., 2008, ITU-R.
[7] V. Erceg, L. Schumacher, P. Kyritsi et al., “TGn channel models, IEEE P802.11 wireless LANs, http://www.802wirelessworld .com:8802/” ,Tech. Rep., IEEE, 2004.
[8] Pekka Kyösti, Tommi Jämsä, and Jukka-Pekka Nuutinen, “Channel Modelling for Multiprobe Over-the-Air MIMO Testing,” International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, vol. 2012, Article ID 615954, 11 pages, 2012.
[9] D. S. Baum, J. Hansen, G. Del Galdo, M. Milojevic, J. Salo, and P. Kyösti, “An interim channel model for beyond-3G systems: extending the 3GPP spatial channel model (SCM),” in Proceedings of the 61st IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC ’05), vol. 5, pp. 3132–3136, Stockholm, Sweden, May-June 2005.
[10] M. Narandzic, C. Schneider, R. Thoma, T. Jamsa, P. Kyösti, and X. Zhao, “Comparison of SCM, SCME, and WINNER channel models,” in Proc. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Spring 2007).
[11] Robert Gallager, course materials for 6.450 Principles of Digital Communications I, Fall 2006. MIT OpenCourseWare (http://ocw.mit.edu/), Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
[12] David Tse, Pramod Viswanath, Fundamentals of wireless communication , Cambridge University Press, New York, NY, 2005.
[13] CTIA MOSG120521R11, S. Prather, AT&T, “Inter-Lab/ Inter-Technique OTA Performance Comparison Testing for MIMO Devices”, 2 August 2012.
[ 1 4 ] CTIA MOSG130715R4 , S . Prather , AT&T , “MOSG130715R4: Inter-Lab/Inter-Technique OTA Performance Comparison Testing for MIMO Devices,Phase 3”, 1 5 September, 2013.
[15] 3GPP 37.977 V1.0.0(2013-09), 3rd Generation Partnership Project; Technical Specification Group Radio Access Networks; Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (UTRA) and Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA); Verification of radiated multi-antenna reception performance of User Equipment (UE) (Release 12).
[16] R. H. Clarke, “A statistical theory of mobile-radio reception,” Bell Syst.Tech. J., vol. 47, pp. 957–1000, 1968.
[17] David Parsons, The Mobile Radio Propagation Channel , Wiley, New York, 1992.
[18] Spirent White Paper, CORRELATION-Based Spatial Channel Modeling.
[19] R. Vaughan and J. B. Andersen, Channels, Propagation and Antennas forMobile Communications , IET, London, UK, 2003.
[20] P. Bello, “Characterization of randomly time-variant linear channels” IEEE Trans. Communication. , vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 360–393, Dec. 1963.
[21] Tommi Jamsa, Pekka Kyösti, Lassi Hentilä, Jukka- Pekka Nuutinen, “Polarization Control of Anechoic Chamber based MIMO OTA Test Methods”, in COST2100, TD(10)11089, Aalborg, Denmark, June 2010, http://www.cost2100.org/.
[22] P.-S. Kildal and K. Rosengren, “Correlation and capacity of MIMO systems and mutual coupling, radiation efficiency and diversity gain of their antennas: Simulations and measurements in reverberation chamber”, IEEE Communications Magazine , vol. 42, no. 12, pp. 102-112, Dec. 2004.
[23]K. Rosengren and P.-S. Kildal, “Radiation efficiency, correlation, diversity gain, and capacity of a six monopole antenna array for a MIMO system: Theory, simulation and measurement in reverberation chamber”, Proceedings IEE, Microwave Antennas Propagation , vol. 152, no. 1, pp.7-16, February 2005. See also Erratum published in August 2006.
[24] P.-S. Kildal, A. Hussain, X. Chen, C. Orlenius, A. Skårbratt, J. Åsberg, T. Svensson, T. Eriksson, “Threshold Receiver Model for Throughput of Wireless Devices with MIMO and Frequency Diversity Measured in Reverberation Chamber”, IEEE Antennas and Propagation Wireless Letters , Vol. 10, pp. 1201-1204, 2011.
[25] X. Chen, P. S. Kildal, J. Carlsson, and J. Yang, “MRC diversity and MIMO Capacity Evaluations of Multi-Port Antennas Using Reverberation Chamber and Anechoic Chamber”, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 61, no. 2, pp. 917-926, Feb. 2013.
[ 2 6 ] X . Chen , P . - S . Kildal , and M . Gustafsson , “Characterization of implemented algorithm for MIMO spatial multiplexing in reverberation chamber”, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation , vol. 61, no. 8, pp. 4400-4404, Aug. 2013.
[27] P.-S. Kildal, X. Chen, C. Orlenius, M. Franzén, and C. Lötbäck Patané, “Characterization of reverberation chambers for OTA measurements of wireless devices: physical formulations of channel matrix and new uncertainty formula”, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation , vol. 60, no. 8, pp. 3875 - 3891, Aug. 2012.
[28] CTIA MOSG131009, Istvan Szini, Update results on DUT Polarization discrimination among MIMO OTA test methods. Oct. 2013.
[29] Yifei Feng,Over-The-Air (OTA) Measurement Method for MIMO-enabled Mobile Terminals ,Doctor dissertation, RheinMain University, 07/05/2013.
[30] Doug Reed. ”Experiments with Spatial Correlation for Evaluating OTA Techniques,” in COST2100, TD(09)856, Valencia, Spain, May 2009, http://www.cost2100.org/.
[31] W. Fan, X. Carreño, J. Nielsen,K. Olesen, M. Knudsen, G. Pedersen. “Measurement Verification of Plane Wave Synthesis Technique Based on Multi-probe MIMO-OTA setup”, Proc. Vehicle Technology Conference (VTC 2012-Fall), 2012 IEEE 76th , Québec City, Canada, September 3-6, 2012.
[32] W.Fan, J. Nielsen, X. Carreno, M. Knudsen, G. Pedersen. "Impact of probe placement error on MIMO OTA test zone performance," 2012 Loughborough Antennas & Propagation Conference , Loughborough, UK, November 12-13, 2012.
[33] Xavier Carre˜no, Wei Fan, Jesper Ø. Nielseny, Jagjit Singh Ashta, Gert F. Pedersen, Mikael B. Knudsen,"Test Setup for Anechoic Room based MIMO OTA Testing of LTE Terminals", IC1004 TD(12) 05078, Bristol, United Kingdom, 24-26
September, 2012.
[34] Matt A. Mow, Bo Niu, Robert W. Schlub, Ruben Caballero, inventor; 2011 Nov. 3. TOOLS FOR DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF OVERTHE-AIR TEST SYSTEMS WITH CHANNEL MODEL EMULATION CAPABILITIES. United States patent US 2011/0270567.
[35] T. Laitinen, P. Kyösti, and J. Nuutinen, “On the number of OTA antenna elements for plane-wave synthesis,” in Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP '10) , Barcelona, Spain, April 2010.
[36] T. Sakata, A. Yamamoto, K. Ogawa, and J.-i. Takada, “MIMO channel capacity measurement in the presence of spatial clusters using a fading emulator,” in 2009 IEEE 20th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications , Sep. 2009, pp. 97 –101.
[37] Atsushi Yamamoto, et al., “Procedure of designing the structural parameters of a spatial fading emulator with a Laplacian angular power spectrum of incoming wave”, COST 2100 TD(10)10016, Athens, Greece, February 2010.
[38] P. Kyösti, J.-P. Nuutinen, and T. Jamsa, “MIMO OTA test concept with experimental and simulated verification,” in 2010 Proceedings of the Fourth European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP) , Apr. 2010, pp. 1 –5.
[39] Xingfeng Wu, Senior member, IEEE, Zhi Cao, Fan Yang, Yujuan Ma, Chi Zhang, Lei Jin, Zhihua Zhang, “Proposal and Verification of Single Cluster Solution for MIMO OTA in CTIA IL_IT Test”, IC1004 TD(13)08028, Ghent, Belgium, 25-27 September, 2013.
[40] Xingfeng Wu, et al., CTIA contribution MOSG130611, “CTIA Inter-Lab/Inter-Technique Test Campaign Report: Single Cluster Channel Model Validation and OTA Results in ABP”, June, 2013.
[41] Xingfeng Wu, et al., CTIA contribution MOSG130710, “Proposals of Single Cluster Approach for Phase 3 Inter-Lab/ Inter-Technique Test Methodology”, July, 2013.
[42] Xingfeng Wu, CTIA contribution MOSG130803, “Updates to MOSG130710”, August, 2013.
[43] Anatoliy Ioffe, Xavier Carreño, Intel Corporation , CTIA contribution MOSG130308R2, “Text proposal for the definition of SINR control”, 24 June, 2013.