本次研讨会从中国移动的角度概述了5G无线发展中的技术与挑战。5G将提高10倍以上的网络传输能力,其消耗的能量却只占现有4G网络的一小部分。Section 1 对系统和架构问题以及可能的解决方案进行高水平深入的分析。Section 2 针对5G原型机的研制开发、实际的挑战和测量技术分析5G技术的实际应用。
Introduction of 5G Cellular Challenges & Technologies with Workshop Overview: Corbett Rowell
Section 1: 系统级和理论工作
- Architectural and signaling design towards diverse traffic profiles: Li Gang (China Mobile)
- C-RAN Architecture: Huang Jin Ri (China Mobile)
- Spectral-Efficiency and Energy-Efficiency Co-Design: Xu Zhi Kun (China Mobile)
- Large Scale Antenna System & Full Duplex Analysis: Han Shuang Feng (China Mobile)
Section 2: 实际应用
- Section Overview & Large Scale Antenna System Prototype for 4G TD-LTE: Corbett Rowell
- Small Cell Capacity Enhancements: Eric Tsang (ASTRI) - 8. Measurement of Massive MIMO and Active Base-station: Lars Jacob Foged (Satimo)
- Workshop Summary
3、多层/3D 微波毫米波MCM/SoP:最新进展与挑战
特邀报告:Kamal K. Samanta, title: “Ceramic Based Novel Multilayer and Miniaturized RF/Millimetre-Wave Components and Highly Integrated Mm-Wave Modules”
- "Co-Design of CMOS SOC/SOP for Commercial mmW Applications" Dr. Joy Laskar, IEEE Fellow, Partner Anayas360, USA
- “mmW Single-chip Radar and Its Packaging Concepts: Performance and Cost Perspective”. Dr.-Ing. Yaoming Sun Scientist IHP Microelectronics, Frankfurt, Germany
- “High Performance Multilayer MCM/SoP Components for Novel Microwave and Mm-wave Modules”. Dr. Kamal K Samanta, Senior Principal Engineer & Project Manager, Milmega/Teseq Ltd, Ryde, UK
- “Multilayer 3D LTCC and IPD integration platforms and components from RF to Millimeter Wave Applications” Dr. Tauno Vähä-Heikkilä, Principal Scientist, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Finland
- “Inkjet-Printed Nanotechnology-enabled RFID, Internet of Things and “Zero-Power” Wireless Sensor Nodes”. Prof. Manos M. Tentzeris, IEEE Fellow and Distinguished Microwave Lecturer Georgia Tech, USA
- Ke Wu (Canada) Title: Extension and Expansion of Substrate Integrated Circuits into the Development of Next Generation Wireless Technologies
- Eric Rius (France) Title: High K ceramic for the size reduction of RF filters)
- Wen Wang, Robab Kazemi, Aly E. Fathy Title: Wide Band Feeds and Antennas Implemented using SIW Structures
- Wei Hong (China) Title: TBD
- Ziqiang Xu (China) Title: Substrate Integrated Waveguide Components Based on LTCC technology
- Maurizio Bozzi (Italy) Title: SIW Components based on Novel Materials for Wireless Sensor Networks and the Internet of Things
- Wenquan Che (China), Haidong Chen, Wenjie Feng, Y. L. Chow Title: The Current Researches and Next Trends of Substrate Integrated Waveguide