主办单位: | |
承办单位: | 未知 |
展会日期: | 2015年6月30日 至 7月2日 |
举办地址: | 印度尼西亚巴厘岛Grand Inna Kuta 酒店 |
关注次数: | 0 |
官方网站: | http://www.apcap2015.org/ |

第4届亚太天线与传播会议(IEEE 4th Asia-Pacific Conference on Antennas and Propagation (APCAP 2015) )将于2015年6月30日至7月2日在印度尼西亚巴厘岛Grand Inna Kuta 酒店举办。
The Asia-Pacific Conference on Antennas and Propagation is an international forum for the exchange of information on the progress and recent advancements in the research and development of innovative antenna technology and radio wave propagation.
APCAP has been successfully inaugurated in Singapore in 2012 and held in Chiangmai, Thailand in 2013 and Harbin, China in 2014. APCAP 2015 will offer a rich scientific program of the highest quality with keynote and invited speakers from all over the world and provide a broad forum of exchange for both academia and industry alike, with the aim of fostering collaboration between them.
The conference will cover a wide range of topics related to antenna technology, propagation, and electromagnetic theory. Prospective authors are invited to submit original contributions on their latest research findings. Proposals for special sessions and short courses are also invited and welcome.
The APCAP Best Paper Award and Outstanding Student Paper Award will be presented to eligible authors of papers of the highest quality.
All presented papers will be included in the conference proceedings and submitted for inclusion in IEEE Xplore.
Important Dates
Proposals for Special Sessions and Short Courses January 18, 2015
Paper Submission March 16, 2015
Notification of Acceptance April 19, 2015
Camera-Ready Paper Submission May 17, 2015