主办单位: | IEEE、电子科技大学、台湾长庚大学、香港城市大学 |
承办单位: | IEEE、电子科技大学、台湾长庚大学、香港城市大学 |
展会日期: | 5-7 December, 2014 Huairou, Beijing |
举办地址: | 北京 |
关注次数: | 0 |
官方网站: | http://emfield.org |

2014年12月5至7日,北京市怀柔区将举办第5届计算解决方案国际会议暨第6届高速智能通信国际论坛联合会议(2014 International Conference On Communication Problem-Solving & 2014 High Speed Intelligent Communication Forum;ICCP&HSIC 2014),该会由IEEE、电子科技大学、台湾长庚大学、香港城市大学、东南大学毫米波国家重点实验室、国英成电联合实验工程中心联合举办。会议将致力于解决微波、通信、信号处理、计算机网络、智能计算及其相关领域的前沿问题,为国内外与会者提供一个良好的学术交流平台。
Building on the its previous successes , the International Conference on Computational Problem-Solving (ICCP) is now renamed as the International Conference on Communications Problem -Solving (ICCP) to focus on solutions to problems and challenges arising in the areas of modern communications, radar and sensor areas technologies. In conjunction with the 2014 High Speed Intelligent Communication Forum (HSIC2014), ICCP2014 will be held in October, 2014 at Huairou, Beijing, China. The conference will feature keynote speeches, tutorials, regular papers, invited and special sessions, industrial exhibitions, as well as the best student paper competition. The conference would cover the following areas: RF circuit and subsystem Digital signal process technologies Networks Application Invited and special sessions
(二)Call for Papers
A : RF Circuit and subsystem(一:射频电路与系统)
Small Antenna,(小天线,)
Planar/reflect antenna array,(平面/反映天线阵,)
MCM, LCP/LTCC technologies,(MCM,LCP / LTCC技术,)
System on package,(系统封装,)
Subsystem integration,(子系统的集成,)
Passive device/circuits design and modeling,(无源器件/电路设计与建模,)
Active device/circuits design and modeling,(有源器件/电路设计与建模,)
RFIC & MMIC based on GaN/SiGe/RFCMOS,(基于GaN / SiGe / RFCMOS射频和微波单片集成电路,)
PLL technologies,(锁相环技术,)
High speed/high bits ADC/DAC,(高速/高位ADC / DAC,)
broadband/high power amplifier, etc.(宽带高功率放大器,等。)
B : Digital Signal Process Technologies(乙:数字信号处理技术)
Channel modeling,(信道建模,)
Signal Processing technologies for link/access Communication Systems, Signal Processing for Radar and sensor Systems,(链路/接入通信系统的信号处理技术,雷达和传感器系统的信号处理,)
Compressive Sensing,(压缩传感,)
Sparse Signal Processing,(稀疏信号处理,)
Waveform Diversity and Design,(波形多样性与设计,)
Adaptive Anten-nas and Beamforming,(自适应天线的NAS和波束形成,)
MIMO or SAR imaging signal processing,(MIMO SAR成像信号处理,)
2D/3D image/video signal processing(二维/三维图像/视频信号处理)
C : Networks(C:网络)
Ad hoc, Body Area,(Ad Hoc,身体区域,)
Sensor and Mesh Networks,(传感器和网状网络,)
Wireless Multimedia Networks,(无线多媒体网络,)
Internet of Things,(物联网,)
Network Measurement and Monitoring Techniques,(网络测量与监测技术,)
Multimode Wireless Networks,(多模无线网络,)
Next-generation Networking Architectures,(下一代网络体系结构,)
Network Design,(网络设计,)
Planning and Economics,(规划经济学,)
Network Protocols,(网络协议,)
Applications & Services,(应用与服务,)
Next-Generation Access Networking(下一代接入网络)
D : Application(D:应用)
B3G/4G/5G Systems,(B3G/4G/5G系统,)
Multi-Hop and Cooperative Communications,(多跳协作通信,)
Cognitive Radio and Software Defined Radio,(认知无线电与软件无线电,)
Satellite & Space Communications,(卫星与空间通信,)
Multimedia Communications,(多媒体通信,)
Robustness and Resili-ence,(的鲁棒性和resili经验,)
Green Communications,(绿色通信,)
Mobile and Pervasive Computing,(移动和普适计算,)
UWB Communications,(超宽带通信,)
Internet of Thing,(物联网,)
60GHz/E-band/Q-band communication system,(60GHz / E-波段/ Q带通信系统,)
X-band/Ka-band/W-band radar system.(X / Ka波段和W波段雷达系统。)
E : Invited and Special Sessions(E:邀请和特别会议)
(三)Important Date
Proposal for Invited and Special Session 1 June, 2014
Paper Submission Deadline Extended to 1 August, 2014
Acceptance Notification 20 August, 2014
Camera Ready 1 September , 2014
Registration deadline 10 September, 2014
Conference Dates 5-7 December, 2014