主办单位: | European Microwave Association |
承办单位: | European Microwave Association |
展会日期: | 2014-10-05至10-10 |
举办地址: | 意大利 Rome, Italy |
关注次数: | 0 |
官方网站: | http://www.eumweek.com/conferences/eumic.html |

议名称(英文): The 9th European Microwave Integrated Circuits Conference (EuMIC)
所属学科: 电子工程
The 9th European Microwave Integrated Circuits Conference (EuMIC) will be held on 6 and 7 October 2014 in Rome, Italy, as part of the European Microwave Week 2014. Started by the GAAS® Association in 1990 and renamed in 2006, it is at its Silver Jubilee edition. The EuMIC conference is jointly organized by GAAS® Association and EuMA and is the premier European technical conference for RF microelectronics. It has proven to greatly contribute to the European Microwave Week success and will remain the largest scientific event in Europe related to RF microelectronics. Aim of the conference is to promote the discussion of recent developments and trends, and to encourage the exchange of scientific and technical information covering a broad range of high-frequency related topics, from materials and technologies to integrated circuits and applications, that will be addressed in all of their aspects: theory, simulation, design and measurement. Technological innovations are challenging for the modeling and simulation as well as for the characterization techniques both on device and circuit levels. While GaAs and silicon-based IC technologies are extensively used in today’s systems, emerging technologies such as wide band gap (SiC, GaN, etc.), InP/Antimonide CNT and Graphene-based devices are expected to become commercially available within a few years, with a huge impact on system performance. Moreover, new materials and devices push the integrated circuits to millimeter-wave and even to THz bands, and high speed digital and optoelectronic integrated circuits bridge the gap to new information and communication applications. To provide short time-to-product, first-pass success in the design becomes therefore critical. Accurate component modeling and efficient CAD/CAE tools are vitally important. Success in these technologies will enable new services in the areas of safety and security, high bitrate wireless access, and multi-gigabit/s low-cost wireless links. In such a swiftly changing environment, it is essential to be well informed about the latest technological developments. In the modeling area, topics related to device and system small and large signal characterization, set-ups and modeling approaches up to THz applications are focused with a particular emphasis. In the technology area, papers on wide-bandgap devices and technologies, as well as on devices for microwave photonics and space-aspects of IC technologies are specifically solicited. Finally, in the circuit design and applications topics, millimetre- and submillimetre-wave devices and circuits, mixedsignal, tunable and reconfigurable IC’s as well as integrated receivers and transmitters are in the spotlight. If you are interested in anything about microwave and RF IC’s, the EuMIC conference is an exceptional venue to learn about the latest advances in the field and meet recognized experts from both Industry and Academia.
Conference Topics
G1 Physics Based Device Modelling and Simulation
G2 TCAD Device Modelling and Simulation
G3 Small Signal, Large Signal and Noise Modelling and Characterisation (common topic with EuMC)
G4 Linear and Non-Linear CAD Techniques for Devices and Circuits (common topic with EuMC)
G5 Complex Device and IC Modelling (Transport/Thermal/EM)
G6 Nano-Technologies and Quantum Devices for Microwaves
G7 III-V Compound Semiconductor Devices and IC-Technologies
G8 Wide-Bandgap Semiconductor Devices and IC Technologies
G9 Si-based Devices and IC-Technologies
G10 Reliability, Yield and Statistical Analysis
G11 3D-Interconnects
G12 Devices for Microwave Photonics
G13 Microwave Monolithic ICs/RFICs
G14 Millimetre and Submillimetre-wave Devices and Circuits
G15 Low Noise Amplifiers and Circuits
G16 Power Amplifiers: Devices and Circuits (common topic with EuMC)
G17 Power Amplifiers: Efficiency Enhancement and Linearisation Techniques
G18 High-Speed Digital Circuits and OEICs
G19 Mixed-Signal ICs and Design Techniques
G20 Tunable and Reconfigurable RFICs
G21 Integrated Receivers, Transmitters and Transceivers