主办单位: | The European Microwave Association (EuMA) |
承办单位: | The European Microwave Association (EuMA) |
展会日期: | 2014-10-05至10-10 |
举办地址: | 意大利 Rome, Italy |
关注次数: | 0 |
官方网站: | http://www.eumweek.com/conferences/eumc.html |

The 44th European Microwave Conference (EuMC) represents the main event in the European Microwave Week 2014, the largest event in Europe dedicated to microwave components, systems and technology. The European Microwave Conference is the premier event to present the current status and future trends in the field of microwave, millimetre-wave and therahertz systems and technologies. A broad range of high frequency related topics, from materials and technologies to integrated circuits, systems and applications will be addressed in all their aspects: theory, simulation, design and measurement. Examples include the latest developments for passive components, modelling and design of high frequency and high data rate microwave photonics, highly stable and ultra low-noise microwave and millimetre-wave sources, new linearisation techniques, and the impact of new packaging technologies on development applications. Special emphasis will be placed on emerging technologies and materials for microwave components such as RF MEMS and microsystems, nanotechnologies and graphene, metamaterial structures and devices, tuneable RF components, reconfigurable RF systems, and System-In-Package. The scope also includes electromagnetic field theory, theoretical and experimental developments in wave propagation and antenna systems, and advanced simulation and characterisation techniques. An additional focus will be put on microwave systems for communications, wireless power transfer, radar with wireless communication capability, millimetre-wave imaging systems and microwaves in industrial and medical applications. The European Microwave Conference provides many opportunities of networking and interaction with international experts in a wide variety of specialities, attracting delegates with academic as well as industrial backgrounds. With carefully selected papers in more than 40 oral and poster sessions, the conference represents an exciting forum for the presentation and discussion of the most recent advances in the microwave arena. In addition to scientific papers, contributions on industrial applications are also encouraged, covering the fields of instrumentation, medical, telecommunication, radar, space, automotive and defence systems.
Conference Topics
E1 Planar Passive Components and Circuits
E2 Non-Planar Passive Components and Circuits
E3 Planar Filters and Multiplexers
E4 Non-Planar Filters and Multiplexers
E5 Ferroelectrics, RF MEMS, MOEMS and NEMS
E6 Metamaterials, FSSs and Electromagnetic Bandgap Structures
E7 RF Nanotechnology, Nanodevices and Nanomaterials
E8 Interconnects and Packaging
E9 Emerging Technologies
E10 RFICs, MMICs and RF-Frontends
E11 Power Amplifiers: Devices and Circuits (common topic with EuMIC)
E12 Power Amplifiers: Efficiency Enhancement and Linearisation Techniques (common topic with EuMIC)
E13 Low Noise Amplifiers and Circuits (common topic with EuMIC)
E14 Signal Generation and Frequency Synthesizers
E15 Frequency Conversion and Control
E16 Tunable and Reconfigurable Circuits and Systems
E17 Multi-Chip Modules and Hybrid Integration
E18 THz Components, Circuits and Systems
E19 Microwave Photonics
E20 EM Field Theory and Numerical Techniques
E21 Signal Integrity, EM Interference and Compatibility
E22 Biological RF and Microwave Effects
E23 Small Signal, Large Signal and Noise Modelling and Characterisation (common topic with EuMIC)
E24 Linear and Non-Linear CAD Techniques for Devices and Circuits (common topic with EuMIC)
E25 RF, Microwave, Millimetre-wave and THz Measurement Techniques and Systems
E26 Education and RF Engineering
E27 Base-Station Front-Ends and Handheld Transceivers
E28 Transmit/Receive Module Technologies for Radar and Communication (common topic with EuRAD)
E29 High Speed, Millimetre-wave, THz and UWB Systems
E30 Low Cost High Volume Manufacturing
E31 Vehicular Applications and Intelligent Transportation Systems
E32 Navigation, Positioning and Surveillance
E33 Industrial, Scientific and Medical Applications
E34 Millimetre-wave, THz Imaging (common topic with EuRAD)
E35 System Simulation and Characterisation
E36 Avionic/Airborne/Space-based Technologies (common topic with EuRAD)
E37 Antenna Systems: Theory, Modelling and Measurement (common topic with EuRAD)
E38 Integrated Antennas
E39 Phased Arrays (Active/Passive) and Related Circuits and Components (common topic with EuRAD)
E40 Electromagnetic Scattering, Channel Measurement and Propagation
E41 Smart Antennas, Digital Beam-Forming and MIMO
E42 Focal Plane Arrays
E43 Wireless Power Transfer and Energy Harvesting
E44 RF Devices for Biosensing and Wireless Health Care Applications
E45 Cognitive Radio and Wireless Multimedia Communications
E46 RFID, Near Field Communication, and Sensor Networks