主办单位: | 国际光学和光子学学会 |
承办单位: | 国际光学和光子学学会 |
展会日期: | 2014-08-17至08-21 |
举办地址: | 美国 San Diego, California |
关注次数: | 0 |
官方网站: | http://spie.org/OPO/conferencedetails/thz-emitters-receivers-applications |

会议名称(英文): Terahertz Emitters, Receivers, and Applications V
所属学科: 基础物理学,光学,天体物理、测量及天文技术
联系电话: +1 360 685 5600
E-MAIL: saral@spie.org
The terahertz region extends from approximately 100 GHz to 10 THz and this frequency range can be considered as a link between electronics and photonics. Since the beginning of the 90s this domain was growing first with the development of time-domain spectroscopy and now is becoming more and more attractive with the emergence of new technologies: quantum cascade lasers, nano-transistors, photomixing, and mixers. Systems based on these devices have found a lot of applications exploiting unique properties of the THz domain of the electromagnetic spectrum. This conference is intended to provide a forum for scientists, engineers, and researchers from a diverse set of disciplines who are interested in either learning more about terahertz technology. The scope of the conference includes sources and detectors of THz radiation, optical components and systems for this frequency domain, as well as different applications utilizing this technology.
Papers are solicited in the following areas:
Fundamentals of generation, detection, and propagation of THz waves
modeling of THz sources and detectors, performance limitations, optical components and systems, gratings, waveguides, couplers, photonic crystal structures and metamaterials, photonic crystal devices and applications, single element antennas, phased array antennas, photonically driven antennas, photonic phase locked loops, MMICs, THz imaging systems.
Sources of THz radiation
quantum cascade lasers, frequency mixers, frequency multipliers, FET and HEMT sources, resonant tunneling diodes, parametric oscillators, solid-state sources, electron beam sources, vacuum electronics sources, graphene, p-germanium sources, photoconductive sources, single frequency and broad band sources, tunable sources, high power sources.
THz detectors
quantum detectors, Schottky and other mixers, bolometers and other thermal detectors, THz focal plane arrays, antenna integrated detectors, heterodyne detection techniques, active and passive imaging systems.
spectral measurement techniques
spectroscopic approaches and techniques
identification of organic and inorganic materials using THz spectroscopy.
Biomedical applications
DNA identification, cell abnormalities, medical imaging
identification of biological and chemical species
burn and water content analysis, tissue abnormality identification, cancer identification and screening
pharmaceutiques, dentistry, other medical and clinical applications.
Other applications
nondestructive testing
security and defense applications
THz communications, principles , instrumentation, media characteristics, wireless communications, detection systems
astronomy and space applications, imaging techniques.
Novel concepts and materials for THz technology
new concepts, experimental procedures, and implementations
new fabrication processes
novel applications
integrated photonic devices
linear and nonlinear optical materials and devices
III-nitride alloys
organic source and modulator materials and devices.