主办单位: | Automatic RF Techniques Group |
承办单位: | Automatic RF Techniques Group |
展会日期: | 2014-06-06 |
举办地址: | Automatic RF Techniques Group |
关注次数: | 0 |
官方网站: | http://www.arftg.org/conferences/83rd_conference.html |

会议名称(英文):2014 83rd ARFTG Microwave Measurement Conference (ARFTG)
议题:Microwave Measurements for Emerging Technologies
联系人:Jon Martens
ARFTG will hold its 83rd Microwave Measurement Conference at the Tampa Marriott Waterside Hotel and Marina, Tampa, Florida on Friday, June 6, 2014 as part of Microwave Week 2014 and co-located with WAMICON 2014. The main theme of this conference is microwave measurements for emerging technologies.
Technical papers are solicited describing original work in the areas of measurement requirements for new, emerging, and developing technologies including, but not limited to, medical/biological areas, nanomaterials, graphene and related materials, and THz and related high frequency areas.
Topics of particular interest include:
Materials measurements for emerging technologies
Measurements in extreme impedance environments
Mm-wave/THz and other higher frequency measurement
Measurements in highly nonlinear environments (including energy harvesting)
De-embedding and correction methods for complex interfaces/fixtures
Other areas of rf, microwave and/or millimeter wave measurement