主办单位: | IEEE |
承办单位: | IEEE |
展会日期: | 2014-06-16至06-18 |
举办地址: | 波兰 Gdansk, Poland |
关注次数: | 0 |
官方网站: | http://mikon2014.ire.pw.edu.pl/index.php/About_Mikon |

会议名称(英文):2014 20th International Conference on Microwaves, Radar, and Wireless Communications (MIKON)
主办单位:IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society
MIKON is a traditional conference of the Polish microwave community organized since 1969,
which turned into biannual international event in 1989, held under the auspices the Polish
Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IEEE.
In 1994, thanks to the IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society support, MIKON received
the international conference status.
From 2004 the conference is the central event of the Microwave and Radar Week.
Regardless whether you are a customary participant or a newcomer to MIKON,
you are cordially invited to join us for this event of modern technology and tradition,
vivid scientific discussions, and friendly atmosphere of getting together.
Topics List
Antenna Design, Modeling & measurements
Active Devices & Components
Passive Devices & Components
Microwave & Optical Integrated Circuits
Millimeter & Sub-millimeter Technology
Photonics, Microwave-Light wave Interaction
RF, VHF & UHF Technology
Magnetic & Acoustic Wave Devices
CAD Technology, Modeling & Simulation
Microwave Measurements
Industrial, Environmental & Medical Applications
Microwave & Optical Communications Systems
Wireless & Personal Communications
Radar Technology
Radar Polarimetry & Signatures
Sensors, Detectors & Vehicular Radars
Electromagnetic Compatibility
Teaching Microwaves
Microwave Measurements
Industrial, Environmental & Medical Applications
Microwave & Optical Communications Systems
Wireless & Personal Communications
Radar Technology
Radar Polarimetry & Signatures
Sensors, Detectors & Vehicular Radars
Electromagnetic Compatibility
Teaching Microwaves