主办单位: | EAI | ICST |
承办单位: | EAI | ICST |
展会日期: | 2014-06-02至06-04 |
举办地址: | Oulu, Finland European Alliance for Innovation |
关注次数: | 0 |
官方网站: | http://crowncom.org/2014/show/home |

2014 9th International Conference on Cognitive Radio Oriented Wireless Networks (CrownCom)
E-MAIL: conferences@eai.eu
会议网站: http://crowncom.org/2014/show/home
Due to the rapid development of wireless communications in recent years, the demand on wireless spectrum has been growing dramatically, resulting in the spectrum scarcity problem. Works have shown that the fixed spectrum allocation policy commonly adopted today suffer from the low spectrum utilization problem. Both academic and regulatory bodies have focused on dynamic spectrum access to fully utilize the scarce spectrum resource. Cognitive radio, with the capability to flexibly adapt its parameters, has been proposed as the enabling technology for unlicensed secondary users to dynamically access the licensed spectrum owned by legacy primary users on a negotiated or an opportunistic basis. The aim of this conference is to bring together researchers in both academia and industry to present their new solutions to cognitive radios.
The aim of this conference is to bring together researchers in both academia and industry to present their new solutions to cognitive radios within the following tracks:
Track 1 – Dynamic Spectrum Access / Management
Wideband, cooperative, and compressed spectrum sensing
Multi-dimensional dynamic spectrum access/sharing
Dynamic radio resource management / interference coordination
Cooperative and coordinated multiuser communications
Multi-antenna / multi-link transmission
Flexible PHY/MAC control
Track 2 – Networking Protocols for CR
Heterogeneous networks
Cooperative networking / transmission
Self organized networks
Load balancing and network optimization
Cooperative radio resource management
Cross-layer control for cognitive networking
Track 3 – Modeling and Theory
Cognitive channel / interference modeling
Network information theory
Dynamic spectrum access in TV white space
Policy based cognitive radio control
Protocol issues for cognitive radios
Track 4 – HW Architecture and Implementations
Reconfigurable antennas and RF circuits
Software defined radio and flexible radios
Hardware prototypes for cognitive radio
Certification and security issues
Track 5 – Next Generation of Cognitive Networks
Context aware networks
Mobile agent applications
Network reconfiguration
Adaptive networks
Complex networks
Social networks
Track 6 – Standards and Business Models
Regulation and standardization
Experimental systems and trials
Spectra trading
Multioperator spectra management
Economical models for cognitive networks