主办单位: | 经济部技术处 |
承办单位: | 工业技术研究院机械与系统研究所/产业学院合办 |
展会日期: | 2013年11月4日-11月5日 |
举办地址: | 台湾新竹县竹东镇中兴路四段195号(中兴院区) 22馆机械所第一会议室 |
关注次数: | 0 |
官方网站: | http://college.itri.org.tw/edm/D1/009/07/edm.html |

工研院将于2013年11月4至11月5日开办“2013石墨烯国际研讨会”,特别邀请欧盟石墨烯计划主持人-英国剑桥大学教授John Robertson、美国休斯敦大学教授Shin-Shem Pei、德国斯图加特-弗劳恩霍夫研究所Siegmar Roth、日本产业技术总合研究所及国内工研院、台湾大学、清华大学、交通大学、长庚大学等知名专家为大家分享石墨烯最前瞻的技术与应用。
Organizer:Ministry of Economic Affairs
Co-organizer:Industrial Technology Research Institute
地点:新竹县竹东镇中兴路四段195号(中兴院区) 22馆机械所第一会议室
Date:Nov. 4 to Nov. 5, 2013
Venue:International Conference Room, Building 22 Industrial Technology Research Institute No.195, Sec. 4, Zhongxing Rd., Zhudong Township, Hsinchu County 310, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
1. 对石墨烯研究有兴趣者。
2. 石墨烯研究与应用的相关人士与业界。
3. 制作石墨烯之设备与制程的相关业界。
每人NT5,000元整(含税) (精致茶点、午餐)
联系人:苏小姐(02)-2370-1111 分机313、江小姐(02)-2370-1111 分机310
2004年第一个孤立石墨烯发现后迄今已有九载,目前制作石墨烯技术,在膜方面:已能直接成长石墨烯膜于绝缘基材上;在粉方面,已可稳定生产制作表面无官能基且层数少于三层之石墨烯粉。这些研究突破有助于石墨烯在机械、电机、电子、通讯、光电、生医及能源等领域的应用。本研讨会将邀请海内外学者专家演讲石墨烯之基础、分析、设备、制程、及应用。There have been nine years since the discovery of the first isolated graphene. Currently therer are two respects in technology of graphene manufacturing. Firstly, in the form of film, graphene can be grown directly on insulator substrate. Secondly, in the form of powder, graphene can be stably produced with less than three layers without functional group on the surface. These research breakthroughs help to develop the applications of graphene in mechanical, electric, electronic, communication, photoelectric, biomedical and energy fileds. We will invite international and domestic scholars and experts to speak about the fundamentals, analysis, equipments, manufacturing processes, and application of graphene.
Time | Program | Speaker | |
11/ 4 (Mon) | 08:30~08:50 | Registration | |
08:50~09:00 | Opening | ITRI MSL General Director Dr. S. H. Chang 工研院机械所所长 张所鋐 | |
09:00~09:40 | CVD Graphene and its Applications | Univ. Cambridge Prof. John Robertson 英国剑桥大学工程学系 | |
09:40~10:20 | Transparent Conducting Films: Graphene versus Nanotubes | Fraunhofer Stuttgart Dr.Siegmar Roth 斯图加特-弗劳恩霍夫研究所 | |
10:20~10:40 | Coffee Break | ||
10:40~11:20 | Graphenetronics: from growth to application | NTHU EE Pro. P. W. Chiu 清华大学电子所教授 邱博文 | |
11:20~12:00 | Properties of individual dopants and atomic mechanism of phase transition between metallic and semiconducting MoS2 single-layers | AIST Dr. Y.C.Lin 产业技术总合研究所 | |
12:00~13:00 | Lunch Time | ||
13:00~13:40 | Graphene nanosheets as electrode material for energy storage. | BUCT MSE Prof. H. H. Song 北京化工大学材料系教授 宋怀河 | |
13:40~14:20 | electronic property investigation of graphene for electronic applications | NCTU EP Prof. W. B. Jian 交通大学电物系教授 简纹宾 | |
14:20~14:40 | Coffee Break | ||
14:40~15:20 | The Development of sp2 Nanocarbons: from Carbon Nanotubes, Graphene, to Graphene Nanoribbons | CGU Prof. C. L. Sun 长庚大学化材系教授 孙嘉良 | |
15:20~16:00 | Directly Growing Graphene Technology | ITRI MSL Dr. K. P. Huang 工研院机械所项目经理 黄昆平 | |
Time | Program | Speaker | |
11/ 5 (Tue) | 08:30~09:00 | Registration | |
09:00~09:40 | Scalable Graphenetronics and Beyond | Univ. Housten Prof. Shin-Shem Pei 美国休斯敦大学电资系教授 白先慎 | |
09:40~10:20 | Application of Graphene to Transistors and Interconnects for Future LSIs | AIST Dr. Shintaro Sato 产业技术总合研究所 | |
10:20~10:40 | Coffee Break | ||
10:40~11:20 | High-Quality Graphene Synthesis by Plasma Technique | AIST Dr. Masataka Hasegawa 产业技术总合研究所 | |
11:20~12:00 | The use of 2D materials in optoelectronic devices. | NTU PO Prof. J. H. He 台湾大学光电所教授 何志浩 | |
12:00~13:00 | Lunch Time | ||
13:00~13:40 | Preparation and Characterization of Graphene-based Electrode Materials for Supercapacitors | NTHU CE Prof. C. C. Ma 清华大学化工系教授 马振基 | |
13:40~14:20 | Synthesis of graphene for flexible transparent conductive film and electromagnetic interference shielding composites | NTHU MSE Prof. N. H. Tai 清华大学材料系教授 戴念华 | |
14:20~14:40 | Coffee Break | ||
14:40~15:20 | Cs corrected STEM/EELS analysis of Carbon-based materials | ITRI MCL Dr. S. C. Lo 工研院材化所研究主任 罗圣全 | |
15:20~16:00 |
※本研讨会特别聘请欧盟石墨烯计划主持人Prof. John Robertson及美国、德国、英国、日本各国专家与您共襄盛举!!
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