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物理学报 1999, Vol. 48 Issue (13): 291-297
中国西南应用磁学研究所,绵阳 621000
A Model of Microwave Loss Due to Spin Wave Resonance in Grain-Surface-Layers
Han Zhi-Quan
摘要: 考虑了晶粒表层中由杂质和应力引起的感生单轴各向异性场,由进动方程解出了晶粒表层中的自旋波体征频率.通过比较晶粒内部和表层的自旋波频谱上、下限,说明了非共振有效线宽ΔHeff来源于晶粒表层的自旋波共振激发.提出的多晶内禀磁化率χi+由晶粒内部的χb+和晶粒表层的χs+所组成,得出了非共振ΔHeff与χs″+及晶粒表层体积分数Vs成正比的关系式.解释了ΔHeff与晶粒尺寸及气孔率的关系.阐明了场移的物理机制,理论与实验相符.
Abstract: The spin wave manifold (spin wave eigenfrequencies) for grain-surface-layers is obtained from the precession equation in consideration of the existence of impurity-induced and stran-induced uniaxial anisotropy field Hs. The top and bottom of the manifold for grain-surface-layers at various applied fields H are illustrated in comparison with the manifold for the grain-interior-region. With the detalled calculation, it is revealed that the off-resonance effective linewidth ΔHeff arises from the spin wave resonance excited in some grain-surface-layers and is propotional to the volume fraction of grain-surface-layers. Thus a lot of previous experiments on ΔHeff vs grain size and porosity can be understood well, and the physical meaning of ΔHeff is clarified.
韩志全. 微波铁氧体损耗的晶粒表层自旋波共振模型. 物理学报, 1999, 48(13): 297.
Cite this article:
Han Zhi-Quan. A Model of Microwave Loss Due to Spin Wave Resonance in Grain-Surface-Layers. Acta Phys. Sin., 1999, 48(13): 291-297.