
2014-04-28 来源:微波射频网 我要评论(0) 字号:
MVG is proud to introduce SARLite, a device that gives you access to a new and exciting experience in speeding up your SAR measurements.


SARLite  simplifies  and  accelerates  the  traditional SAR measurement method. With its 265 probes and 651 sensors in a 3D matrix design, an  area  greater  than  20  x  20  cm  area  can  be measured in only a few seconds. In addition, the enclosed wideband tissue simulant gel enables a wide range of frequency measurements.

The SAR (Specific Absorption Rate) is the quantity characterizing the absorption of electromagnetic wave energy from any type of radiating device such as a mobile phone, laptop, or a tablet PC into the human head or body. SAR  measurements  are  traditionally  performed  by  using  an  electric  field  probe  encased  in  a  phantom (artificial  head) filled with a liquid. The dielectric properties of the liquid are representative of head or body tissues. The probe is moved inside the phantom by a robot, making it possible to obtain discrete E-field values. These values are averaged in a volume corresponding to a cube weighing 1 g or 10 g.

SARLite can be used alone or as a complement to your traditional SAR measurement systems to pretest your equipment, better preparing it for certification.

There is no robot in SARLite, so there are no robot servicing needs. Probes and the  enclosed tissue simulant gel are well protected inside the case. This means no evaporation and no need to refill or replace the liquid.

SARLite allows you to measure the E-field values emitted in order to tune electromagnetic radiation at any stage in R&D and on any mobile device.