定价: | ¥ 50 | ||
作者: | Hammad M.Cheema、Reza Mahmoudi、Arthur H.M.van Roermund | ||
出版: | 科学出版社 | ||
书号: | 9787030344762 | ||
语言: | 英文原版 | ||
日期: | 2012-06-01 | ||
版次: | 1 | 页数: | 197 |
开本: | 16开 | 查看: | 0次 |
服务商城 | 客服电话 | 配送服务 | 优惠价 | 购买 |
400-711-6699 | 满29至69元,免运费! | ¥37.5 |
1 Introduction
2 Synthesizer System Architecture
2.1 IEEE 802.15.3c Channelization
2.2 60 GHz Frequency Conversion Techniques
2.3 Proposed PLL Architecture: F1exible, Reusable,Mu1ti-frequency
2.3.1 Utilization in WiComm Project
2.4 System Analysis and Design
2.4.1 Phase-Lock Lοop Basics
2.4.2 Frequency Planning
2.4.3 Synthesizer Parameters
2.5 System Simulations
2.6 Target Specifications
2.7 Summary
3 Layout and Measurements at mm-Wave Frequencies
3.1 Layout Problems and Solutions
3.1.1 Impact of Parasitics
3.1.2 Mismatch Due to Layout Asymmetry and Device Orientation
3.1.3 Substrate Losses
3.1.4 Cross Talk Shielding and Grounding
3.2 Measurement Setups
3.2.1 Dedicated Instrurnentation
3.2.2 Ca1ibration and De-embedding
3.2.3 Stability and Repeatability
3.3 Conclusions
4 Design of High Frequency Components
4.1 Presca1er
4.1.1 Overview and Comparison of Presca1er Architectures
4.1.2 35 GHz Static Frequency Divider
4.1.3 40 GHz Divide-by-2 ILFD
4.1.4 60 GHz Divide-by-3 ILFD
4.1.5 Monolithic Transformer Design and Measurement
4.1.6 Dua1-Mode(Divide-by-2 and Divide-by-3) LLFD
4.1.7 ILFD fìgure-of-Merit(FOM)
4.1.8 Summary
4.2 Vo1tage Controlled Oscillator
4.2.1 Overview of VCO Architectures
4.2.2 Theoretica1 Ana1ysis of LC-VCOs
4.2.3 40 GHz LC VCO
4.2.4 60 GHz Active1y Coup1ed I-Q VCO
4.2.5 60 GHz Transformer Coup1ed I-Q VCO
4.2.6 Dua1-Band VCO for 40 and 60 GHz
4.3 Synthesizer Front-Ends
4.3.1 40 GHz VCO and Divide-by-2 ILFD
4.3.2 60 GHz VCO and Divide-by-3 ILFD
4.4 Conc1usions
5 Design of Low Frequency Components
5.1 Feedback Division
5.1.1 CML Based Divider Chain
5.1.2 Mixer Based Division
5.2 Phase-Frequency Detector,Charge-Pump and Loop Fi1ter
5.3 Conc1usions
6 Synthesizer Integration
6.1 Synthesizer for 60 GHz Sliding-IF Frequency Conversion
6.1.1 Comparison to Target Specifìcations
6.2 Synthesizer with Down-Conversion Mixer in Feedback Loop
6.3 Dual-Mode Synthesizer
6.4 Conclusions
7 Conclusions
Appendix A
A Travelling Wave Divider Simulation Results
Appendix B
B LC-VCOs Theory
2 Synthesizer System Architecture
2.1 IEEE 802.15.3c Channelization
2.2 60 GHz Frequency Conversion Techniques
2.3 Proposed PLL Architecture: F1exible, Reusable,Mu1ti-frequency
2.3.1 Utilization in WiComm Project
2.4 System Analysis and Design
2.4.1 Phase-Lock Lοop Basics
2.4.2 Frequency Planning
2.4.3 Synthesizer Parameters
2.5 System Simulations
2.6 Target Specifications
2.7 Summary
3 Layout and Measurements at mm-Wave Frequencies
3.1 Layout Problems and Solutions
3.1.1 Impact of Parasitics
3.1.2 Mismatch Due to Layout Asymmetry and Device Orientation
3.1.3 Substrate Losses
3.1.4 Cross Talk Shielding and Grounding
3.2 Measurement Setups
3.2.1 Dedicated Instrurnentation
3.2.2 Ca1ibration and De-embedding
3.2.3 Stability and Repeatability
3.3 Conclusions
4 Design of High Frequency Components
4.1 Presca1er
4.1.1 Overview and Comparison of Presca1er Architectures
4.1.2 35 GHz Static Frequency Divider
4.1.3 40 GHz Divide-by-2 ILFD
4.1.4 60 GHz Divide-by-3 ILFD
4.1.5 Monolithic Transformer Design and Measurement
4.1.6 Dua1-Mode(Divide-by-2 and Divide-by-3) LLFD
4.1.7 ILFD fìgure-of-Merit(FOM)
4.1.8 Summary
4.2 Vo1tage Controlled Oscillator
4.2.1 Overview of VCO Architectures
4.2.2 Theoretica1 Ana1ysis of LC-VCOs
4.2.3 40 GHz LC VCO
4.2.4 60 GHz Active1y Coup1ed I-Q VCO
4.2.5 60 GHz Transformer Coup1ed I-Q VCO
4.2.6 Dua1-Band VCO for 40 and 60 GHz
4.3 Synthesizer Front-Ends
4.3.1 40 GHz VCO and Divide-by-2 ILFD
4.3.2 60 GHz VCO and Divide-by-3 ILFD
4.4 Conc1usions
5 Design of Low Frequency Components
5.1 Feedback Division
5.1.1 CML Based Divider Chain
5.1.2 Mixer Based Division
5.2 Phase-Frequency Detector,Charge-Pump and Loop Fi1ter
5.3 Conc1usions
6 Synthesizer Integration
6.1 Synthesizer for 60 GHz Sliding-IF Frequency Conversion
6.1.1 Comparison to Target Specifìcations
6.2 Synthesizer with Down-Conversion Mixer in Feedback Loop
6.3 Dual-Mode Synthesizer
6.4 Conclusions
7 Conclusions
Appendix A
A Travelling Wave Divider Simulation Results
Appendix B
B LC-VCOs Theory