Bio-Mems: Technologies and Applications

2013-07-23 来源:微波射频网 我要评论(0) 字号:
主题图书: MEMS  半导体工艺
定价: ¥ 2268
作者: Wanjun Wang
出版: CRC Press Inc
书号: 9780849335327
语言: 简体中文
日期: 2006-12-15
版次: 页数: 488
开本: 16开 查看: 0
Bio-Mems: Technologies and Applications


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Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) are evolving into highlyintegrated technologies for a variety of application areas. Add thebiological dimension to the mix and a host of new problems andissues arise that require a broad understanding of aspects frombasic, materials, and medical sciences in addition to engineering.Collecting the efforts of renowned leaders in each of these fields,"BioMEMS: Technologies and Applications" presents the firstwide-reaching survey of the design and application of MEMStechnologies for use in biological and medical areas. This bookconsiders both the unique characteristics of biological samples andthe challenges of microscale engineering. Divided into three mainsections, it first examines fabrication technologies usingnon-silicon processes, which use materials that are appropriate formedical/biological analyses. These include UV lithography, LIGA,nanoimprinting, injection molding, and hot-embossing. Attentionthen shifts to microfluidic components and sensing technologies forsample preparation, delivery, and analysis. The final sectionoutlines various applications and systems at the leading edge ofBioMEMS technology in a variety of areas such as genomics, drugdelivery, and proteomics. Laying a cross-disciplinary foundationfor further development, "BioMEMS: Technologies and Applications"provides engineers with an understanding of the biologicalchallenges and biological scientists with an understanding of theengineering challenges of this burgeoning technology.

